Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The one straw revolution


"The book is quite philosophical in nature and doesn't prescribe any step by step methods but more of a basic philosophy which is likely to confirm what the reader already knew.

For people such as myself who sometimes pause to wonder why are we have chosen an ideology of self sufficiency, it is encouraging to read of the experiences of one who has already tread the arduous path and who offers words of reason that are simple and uncomplicated in this very complicated world. If there is a methodology prescribed in the book, it is the method of simplicity and it is printed in such a way that it can be adapted to our own unique circumstance.

The forward, by Larry Korn, gives a profile of the nature of the book and Fukuoka's background I'll abbreviate:- In his younger days Mr Fukuoka's specialty was plant pathology and he spent a lot of time in research. Over 40 years he observed the Japanese nation abandoning their traditional farming methods and following the American model, both economic and industrial. He noticed this coincided with degradation of the land and society and so he returned to traditional methods and improved on many of the old ways to quote the forward by Larry Korn " He (Mr Fukuoka) considers the healing of the land and purification of the human spirit to be the same process".

Fukuoka produces citrus and grains including rice, he believes in minimal interference to create a natural balance, he believes that upsetting the balance by using insecticides to destroy pests perpetuates a cycle of imbalance, creating a system permanently dependent on insecticides, which results in greater long term insect damage once predators are destroyed. The book also emphasizes the holistic nature of farming, as opposed to the scientific 'discriminating" approach where each "problem" is viewed by scientists in the context of their specific field of 'expertise' Fukuoka has had many 'experts' visit his property and they arrive in single file to study particular aspects in isolation, most "experts" are reported to be very impressed they take notes and then offer short term prescriptions for improving his system, based on their own unique scientific field. Needless to say none of those prescriptions have been applied.

Masanobu Fukuoka also emphasizes the importance and sustainability of the small farm he recognizes that modern commercial agriculture has diminished the spiritual nature of farming and the underlying message seems to be the unsustainable nature of large farm mechanical operations. Fukuoka's book also goes on to speak of increasing concern in Japan about the deterioration of the environment, contamination of food, the large amounts of chemical fertilisers being, used of which only a small portion is being used by the plant life while the excess leaches into seas and rivers.

Throughout the book Fukuoka highlights Soil improvement as the basis to success, he emphasizes the importance of spreading straw, growing clover, producing compost and returning organic matter back to the Earth. He concludes that artificial fertilizers, though effective in the short term, ultimately lead to long term soil degradation and depletion, causing the Earth to lose vitality. Fukuoka believes that the soils can be planted continuously and in such away that it will continually improve, by enriching the soil using of cover crops and there is also a chapter on growing rice in a dry field.

Although the book was written more than 20 years ago the message is becoming increasingly important today, especially in the light of such issues as the various current food crises including Genetic Engineering and the cattle feed contamination crises in Europe and the un-natural manner in which animals are farmed these days.

There is also reference to the impact of consumer demands and the range of chemicals that have been introduced in response to consumer preference so produce looks more marketable. In striving to meet those demands, farmers are caught in a cycle where they do too much when they could be thinking in ways that will enable them to do less.

The basic principals of the book are no cultivation, no chemical fertilizer, incorporating useful weeds and controlling, rather than eradicating, them, including animals and various manures. He also advocates growing veges in a semi-wild way, allowing veges to grow among weeds, using weeds as mulch, cutting them down, to fall and so enrich the soil and plantings.

In short, The One Straw Revolution will probably just confirm for you what you already know, but when one is weary or wondering, and daily engaged in a lofty apprenticeship to the land, it provides inspiration that we must be on the right track, because it is a track that is well worn by generations of peoples all over the world."

Monday, March 14, 2011

garden myths : a small list of hilarous bad practice by people.

As a nursery owner i meet alot of plant enthusiast comeing from diffrent walks of life... young, old there are some down right silly practices that people have adopted over the years iv listed some of them feel free to share your experieneces:

Poinsettias are poisonous. This hugely popular garden myth is not true. There have been no cases of plant poisoning from poinsettias. This poison myth started in 1919 when a two-year-old child of an army officer stationed in Hawaii died of poisoning. The cause was incorrectly attributed to a poinsettia leaf. To persuade the public of this myth, members of the Society of American Florists frequently eat poinsettias for the press in December. The leaves taste like a bitter radicchio and won’t kill you, just make you sick. The plant though should not be eaten and is hazardous because of the milky sap. The sap can cause an allergic reaction for some people.

Myth: salt is needed to grow coconuts with sweet water! this is simply the sillist thing iv heard the coconut tree takes sea blast well but it dosent require salt to develop good fruit... the father of our nation was arrested for makeing salt he dint do that so our countrys coconut water could be sweeter...

Myth: Organic pesticides are less toxic than synthetic ones
Misused pesticides can be harmful, regardless of whether they are considered natural or synthetic. Pyrethrum, for example, is made from chrysanthemums but is still toxic to people and pets when handled improperly. Whenever possible, it’s best to select the least toxic control option available because, even if not lethal, many of these pesticides can cause serious health complications. Safe storage of these products can help prevent any harmful accidents. Read and follow all label directions, and remember that these products are tools, not miracle workers or silver bullets. Pesticides cannot correct mistakes made in plant selection, installation, or maintenance.

Myth: When it comes to fertilizers and pesticides, if a little is good, twice is better... 3 times my plant is stronger than rocky balboa himself:
Fertilizers can raise salt levels in the soil to toxic levels, burning the roots and stunting growth of your plants. Pesticides, when overused, can also have similar detrimental effects on plants by burning the leaves or raising toxicity levels in the soil

Myth: Add sand to loosen heavy, clay soil
The worst remedy for a clay soil is to add sand. This practice turns the clay soil into a rock-hard, mortarlike substance. Instead, use organic matter, like compost, to loosen heavy soils because it is light in composition and also improves nutrient quality. Sand can improve a clay soil, but it must be added until it constitutes most of the mineral composition of the soil. At that point, it’s not really clay soil any longer; it is sandy soil.

Myth: Clay pots are better for houseplants than plastic pots. Clay pots cause the moisture in the soil to evaporate faster than plastic pots. also clay potts are brittle and messy .

this one i just read on a the net ...
Myth: Redheaded gardeners grow hotter chili peppers.
I’m not sure where this one originated, i can put my life on the fact that the colour of your hair has nothing n i mean nothing to do with the quality of the crop you produce.

Myth: yoU should not sit under the banyan tree..in the night...ok i know u guys would have a fair hint where im goin...wait for it...wait for it...
GOSTS sit!!!
this i think would have its roots in the mythological stories of vikram betal...but iv had clients refusing to buy a banyan bonsai cause it would attract spirits from another dimension ...

Myth:Its that past studies have suggested rock,hard rock or heavy metal music seems to have a detrimental effect on plant growth.
this study by some extremely jobless scientist was definately commisioned by my dad . if thats the case my nursery would be a concentration camp for plants.

Myth:Money plant bring prosperity in our home.
I always wondered what people think when they get the money plant ..do you realy think its going to grow you cash instead of leaves?with my hand on my heart i can vouch this is not a myth cause it certainly makes my buisness prosper so plz buy money plants to bring prosperity to "MY" home.As for prosperity for your home im sorry money plants are another fraud that you fell for just like the now super famous "LUCKY BAMBOO".

Growing plants and maintaing a healthy garden is not rocket science but common scense is essential if iv missed out on any points feel free to comment id be more than happy to get back.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Smells like green spirit.

An aroma garden is specifically designed to create a pleasant nasal experience. It draws people’s attention to the scent quality of plants. Fragrant species include a wide range of plant types, including trees, shrubs, herbs, vines, annuals, and perennials. This type of garden can be of great enjoyment to the blind or visually handicapped and would well serve the community surrounding an institute or school for the blind/community gardens/restraunts.
The first and formst step is to identify your soil type.the type of manure/mulch used is essential of a garden of this nature Cow dung is of of the commonest manures that we in india use a big disadvantage of this mulch is its smell .Landscape mulches conserve moisture, moderate soil temperatures and minimize weed growth. Some mulches have no odor at all, while most organic mulches have a pleasant, earthy smell that reduces over time. Occasionally wood chip mulch may have a vinegar, rotten egg or ammonia odor, which indicates sour mulch. This mulch was not properly aerated during storage and can kill or damage plants.there is an easy 3 step methord to avoid this namely:::
1)Order or buy mulch in advance and place it in the corner of the yard to air out. If the mulch has a sour smell, don't discard it, but wait to apply it to flower beds until the odor has dissipated. Turn it frequently with a shovel to aerate it and sprinkle it with a garden hose.

2)Place the mulch in flower beds in layers 2 to 4 inches deep and rake to smooth it. Mulches placed more deeply may suffocate plants, develop odors or encourage rodent and insect infestation.

3)Rinse the mulch with water from a garden hose to leach any odors from it. If an odor persists, turn the mulch occasionally with a shovel to aerate it.
When designing such gardens its important choose elements to stimulate sight, hearing, scent and touch. These gardens are designed for wheelchair users, blind visitors, children and special needs individuals. A herb garden designed for the visually impaired can incorporate aromatic herbs to help visitors identify the plants by smell. Some plants like creeping thyme can be planted along pathways so their aroma is released when they are walked on.
India has been considered as a treasure house of valuable medicinal and aromatic plant species About 2,000 native plant species have curative properties and 1,300 species are known to give out aromas at diffrent times of the day.
Most of the plants are fairly inexpencive and spaces as small as your balcony can be used to create this fragrant green space larger areas though can acomodate trees and larger shrubs who act as natural air purification systems
to get a whole list of these natural aromatic marvels feel free to drop me a line or visit the nursery to experience the magic first hand.