Friday, April 20, 2012

The Haunted Forrest exposed!!!

As kids i remember hearing a whole lot of phony "bhoot" stories be it the three headed lady of parle e or the guy with the inverted legs of aery colony,OR EVEN THE AWSOME VIKRAM BETAL where metal used to rest on a banana tree were all very popular back then.i remember on a trip to goa some sum driver scared the sit outa us by telling us we were living next to a haunted forrest so we shouldn't go out in the night.Also i remember my degree college days when guys returning late from their midnight drinking binge often said there was a haunted SPOT to beware off .On one of my evening drives with sarita we were chuckling about this topic when it hit me...these costs always were on trees, and always on banana or peepal trees ....Though i dint hire scooby and the gang to solve this gone let u in on these so called haunted places in the city!The other day i spotted this news story on a tv news channel:
Manglojodi, Orissa: Panic-stricken residents of an eastern Indian village say a killer ghost that lives on a tree stalks them, bringing true the prophesy of a possessed girl. Unable to bear the torture for long some of the braver ones in Manglojodi, a hamlet in Khurda district of eastern Orissa state pulled down the tree.The story apparently did not stop there. Villagers are too scared to come out of their homes once dusk falls, the favourite time of the 'Ghost who walks" to make its evening rounds. Villagers refuse to go near the place where the tree stood, as they fear that they will meet the same fate of seven people who died at the hands of the ghost.the tree was a large banana tree. There are loads of cases of cattle being killed mysteriously when the owners lef them tied to a tree in the night.

THE STORY: Lord Krishna is believed to have died under the Peepal tree. In hinduism the cutting of Peepal tree is consider as sin. Peepal tree is also believed to be the abode of lord yamm(god of death). According to stories Ashvattha and Peepala were two demons who harassed people. Ashvattha would take the form of a peepal and Peepala the form of a Brahmin. The fake Brahmin would advise people to touch the tree, and as soon as they did, Ashvattha would kill them.

The Truth:During night time, trees inhale oxygen for the purpose of Photosynthesis and release carbon dioxide abundantly. The amount of carbon dioxide released by a tree depends on the area of its leaves.At night time, a tree with big leaves, release large amount of carbondioxide due to which, man under the tree could not inhale oxygen properly. He suffers from suffocation. He feels excess weight on his chest.the lack of oxygen causes mild hallucinations...hence the lady in the white saree or the man with inverted legs sam to be seen under these trees. For this reason, some rural people imagine and fear that ghosts would come and sit on their chests if they sleep under Peepal or Banyan trees.So the next time someone tells you about some bogus haunted forest look for the fauna around and what u need is a horticulturist or a botanist not so please tell those pseudo ghostbusters to go solve another mystery !!!