Thursday, April 7, 2011

Common problems faced during sea side landscapeing

Planting and maintaining a garden near a large body of salt water can be quite different from your average inland garden.

If your plants are yellowing, burnt, or hard to establish, chances are they aren't the best choices for your seaside growing conditions. You may have to make some adjustments to your garden or re-think the type of plants that will grow successfully.

The five main challenges that confront oceanfront gardeners are:

1. Damage from strong winds
2. Drought
3. High salt levels in the soil
4. Sandy soil
5. Contributing to ocean pollution

Dealing With These Challenges:

Wind and Salt Spray - Plant a natural wind guard using a combination of trees and smaller shrubs in a front row. Do your research – you don't want trees that will grow large enough to block your view.

A man-made trellis may be required to supplement your natural wind break. Solid fences or brick walls work well, but may also block your view.

Ocean or Seaside Drought - Combat this problem with a thick layer of organic compost and use plants that do not require constant watering.

Salty & Sandy Soil - Salt is the most common cause of severe leaf burn and shedding leaves. It also affects the plant's ability to thrive. Choose plants that thrive in salty soils and use wind blocks to prevent the passage of salt into the soil. (See list below)

Mixing in plenty of organic compost with the soil will help improve the quality and add much needed nutrients.

Using Green Practices to Reduce Pollution - Often times the run off from ocean front gardens contributes heavily to ocean pollution. This includes waste from the yard, fertilizer, and other chemicals that seep into storm drains. In an effort to improve the quality of our gardens, these pollutants can poison fish and contaminate ground and ocean water.

Ways to alleviate this problem include:

Cover piles of organic waste, or other materials with tarps to prevent run off during rain and storms.
Do all your excavating during dry weather conditions.
Make small dams or ditches to divert runoff from storm drains.
Prevent erosion on your property by planting native plants and grasses to bind the soil.
Don't over water. Instead employ the use of drip irrigation or soaker hoses.
Do not blow or rake leaves into storm drains or on the street.
Use organic or non-toxic fertilizers.
Store chemicals in a covered area to prevent run off.

Thought there are several problems of planting by the sea but if taken the right care and techniques be followed it isn’t impossible to have a flourishing garden near the sea.

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