Saturday, April 9, 2011

Pruning : the good the bad and just plain Absurd!

India since its glory days of the past has been obssesed with giving its plants geometric shapes rounds, squares, hedges and topiaries. Iv never got this obssesion may be its my complete hate for geometry maybe i just find it realy questionable. My dad used to despice these so called formal gardens as well....maybe my extreme dislike for these topiaries has been in my genes , he used to put it very well..." if god intended a ficus to be round he surely would have made it round...stop trying to give that plant a nosejob" .

You should know that though I’m not a big fan of pruning and I love to do it myself. I understand why it’s needed (to control shape, encourage more growth or blooms, or improve health). With the proper knowledge, pruning is good for your plants and shrubs, even trees. Fruiting trees/herbs do need regular pruning to attain its potential.

Now, if you really want to know what ticks me off, try hack/chop/cut your trees! In stark contrast to the many benefits of proper pruning, tree topping is the biggest crime against horticulture there is. And in my city, it is rampant! I hate tree hacking .
Land developers builders and ignorant concrete lovers are the reason our tree cover has reduced to 30% over the last 40 years. when you drive past the vast city scape spare a thaught for the felled trees. The dead trunks,barks of these fallen beeings adorne our city like toombstones.How it became such a popular and ongoing thing to do, I’ll never know. But I suspect, some bozo with a chainsaw and pickup truck goes around TRIMMING our trees. we need to put an end to this maddness ...

Driving down the city you see people makeing hedges shapes of all kinds of plants in all kinds of shapes. The dividers in the city stand testiment to this ..i wonder what in the name of the good lord is the ggovernment thinking lawns, topiries of ficus...n now days pitunias(seasonals) you would rather just flush my tax down ur bloody drain.
there was a famous south indian joint in juhu who made a hedge of areca comments...hahahha.
did you know the maze at essele world takes 100 man hours a week to maintain it in its present condition at an annual cost of rs5.89 lacks!!! in times where sustainabilty is given such prime importance its just absurd to keep up with this dislexic nightmare!!!

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