Over the years the nursery has had all kinds of people walk in...we love absolutely all of them but some of the conversations we had makes us crackup to even to this day...
20) Customer:- how many flowers will this plant get in a year.......
ME :- mam its a perennial flowering plant blooms all year round...
Customer:- dont give me vague answers i need numbers !!!!
19)client:-i love nature...i love greenery i love to be one with nature...
AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRHH......(runns for the gate) butterfly i hate butterfly !!!!
18) client :- i want to make a lawn....i want to make a herbal garden with fruits and trees and vegetables
me:-where would you want this done mam.
client :- on my window sill and in my kitchen grill box....i dont want plants in my bedroom window cause the green won't match my bedsheet and curtains !! :-/
17) client :- hey my tulsi i got from a local cyclewala is dead can u tell me what i can do to bring it back to life....(shows me a plant dry as dust)
me :- mam its dead there is nothing i can do...
client :- cant u do some plant cpr or something....you went to uk to study na!!!
16) client :- i want a a tomato plant...
me :- giving him the plant ...
client :- green tomatoes !!! wow iv never seen such a rare variety of tomatoes ever :-?
15) client :- hi do you have vishnubingraja...
me :- mam can u pls tell me the botinical name or a local name
client :- a very big baba has told me if i keep this plant on the south east window of my house ill get a son..... wtf ?!!!
14) customer :- hi do you have money plant
me :- yes
customer :- do you get money if u have the plant
me :- i dont know abt you but ill get some if you buy them form me.
me :- yes
customer :- do you have an apple plant....i love apple.
me :- mam apple needs a cold climate to grow wont grow here in mumbai...
customer :- can i grow that in ac room or near my fridge door.....
12)customer :- hi do you have onion plant...
me :- no
customer :- do you have potato plant....
me :- no
customer :- do you have rice plant...
me :- any particular reason you want these farm crops in mumbai?
customer :- iv got a concept....grow your own biryani ...i think loads of people will buy for eidd
11)customer :- sir im calling from kerela
me :- yes tell me...
customer :- sir i want to have plants that eat elephant......
me :- what ??!!??!? there is no such plant...
customer :- pls make i buy 2...
me :- yes we do buy plants ....tell me...
customer :- how much will u pay...
me:- sir i need to see the plants before i can give u a quote.
customer:- no give aprox how much will you pay for very green plant....
me:- sir i wi need to see the plant before i can say anything....
customer:- whats there to see in a plant...there are leaves stem root and sometimes small flower .
9) customer :- (very agitated) i got a plant form you and its dieing !!!
me:- oh im so sorry mam could you get it to us...
customer ;- no cause i just came back from the uk im jet lagged.
me :- so why dont you send us a pic and let me see whats up.
*sends me a pic of a plant dry as dust*
me:- when did you water this last...
customer:- 3 months ago....before i left
8)"filmi customer* :- hey have you seen the movie silsila...
me:- not not really but tell me...
*filmi customer *:- i want like that flower field to be created in my society garden...
me:- sir i vaguely remember wasn't that amitabh and rekha shooting in a tulip field in amsterdam...is that what ur talking about...
*filmi customer* :- yes yes same to same ..iv got got budget of 10,000.... tell me when will u start.

me:- iv done a msc in horticulture from the Bskkv and a ma in landscape managment from the uni of sheffield.
customer:- horti kia kia ...horti culture aisa bhi kuch hota hai...dont lie and make up be honest.
6) customer :- hi is this nursery....
me:- yes
customer :- can i have admission for my son
me:- sir this i a plant nursery...
customer :- good name...can i get addmition?
5) customer:- sir do you have hibiscus plant...
me :- yes...show him the plant....
customer :- no i want pink hibiscus...
me:-sir this is a red hibiscus see the flower...
customer :-not this pink....i want pink like...u know pink...
me:- sir i know pink and this flower is pink (highly confused)
He leaves without buying anything and returns the next day....whips out an asian paints shade card n goes ...this ..i select this pink!!!!!!
4) customer :- hey do you have pott
me:- yes sir we have loads of pots in diffrent sizes...
customer:- manali or kashmiri????
3) customer :- hi i want to do a big save the planet tree plantation drive.
me:- thats very good sir what do you have in mind....
customer:- i think tulsi is king of plants i want to give away 1000 tulsi trees big tulsi trees like ...big shadey tulsi tree
me:- sir tulsi is a small shrub...wont grow into a tree...
customer:- why dont you do genetic engeniring of tulsi plant to make it into big tree!!!
me:- sir thats not possible...
customer:-even impossible says i am possible....
2) Customer:- do you have good smelling plants
me:- yes sir, we do have many aromatic plants...
customer:- my husband is very bad smelling...can i use it on him...
me:- what??!!??
customer:- if he rubbs the plant will he smell good...
me:-mam he needs deodorant not a poor little plant!!!
1)customer:-hey do you have any ..
me:-any what...
customer:-especial plant..
me:-man all our plants are special what u looking for....
me:-im a plant nursery not a drug dealer!!!!
customer:-grow na for me i will give u loads of orders....
me:-call my friend he will help you out...(gave de fucker the land line number of juhu police station)